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Cash Flow

Make it, manage it, and multiply it with our expert guidance in property investment.


Invest in a safe asset and receive personalised guidance for long-term stability.


Secure a legacy for your children or fund their education through strategic property investments.

Early Retirement

Achieve your dream of early retirement with our support in building a portfolio that generates passive income.
At Property Packers, we believe in the power of property investment to create wealth and secure a brighter future. We're here to provide the optimistic and positive support you need to embark on your investment journey. Let us help you make sound financial decisions, seize opportunities, and unlock the potential of property investment for a prosperous and fulfilling life.


Estate agent

  • Auction-like experience for buyers.

  • Limited understanding of types of investment opportunity options.

  • For estate agents the seller is the real client.

  • 1 in 3 transactions fall through, leading to frustration and wasted time.

  • Dealing with busy solicitors, causing delays and uncertainty.

  • Overpricing of properties by agents.

  • Low trust in estate agents.


Property Packers

  • Personal shopper experience.

  • Expertise in types of deals.

  • Property sourcers think and operate with a buyer mindset.

  • Higher success rate, reducing the chances of the purchase falling through.

  • We handle all the follow-ups with solicitors, saving you time and effort.

  • Providing transparency of costs, no unexpected fees to pay.

  • Opportunity to build a meaningful and personalised relationship.




Step 1

Gather requirements over the criteria of a property and its use. Taking a reservation fee. 

Step 2

Engage with vendors and negotiate a deal based on your criteria.

Step 3

Show the investor the negotiated deal.

Step 4

Once agreed, manage the conveyancing process.

Step 5

Complete purchase of property.

Step 6

Project Co-ordinate the refurb work.

Step 7

Completion of project.

Who we are

Welcome to Property Packers! We're a local, family-oriented team that values trust, transparency, and approachability. With a personal touch and a friendly vibe, we strive to make your experience easy and enjoyable. Our furry team member, Skye, adds a touch of warmth and joy to our work. Count on us to provide exceptional service and exceed your expectations. Choose Property Packers for a trustworthy and respectable partnership.


Being a local business with strong family ties, we truly understand the importance of building genuine relationships with our customers and community. Our team consists of dedicated professionals who are passionate about what we do, and we believe in delivering top-quality services/products with a personal touch.